Łukasz Kądalski

Łukasz Kądalski

Rust & Java Developer

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About Me

A highly motivated Web developer with a 5 year of commercial experience as Java Developer. I have a knowledge necessary to write reliable and easy to maintain code. I am always eager to face new challenges and I am looking for an opportunity to work with other passionates and excel my skills.

In spare time I spend time with my family, occasionally hacking in my Synology NAS

Latest Projects

project name

Spring Blog Web App

Application is running with Spring MVC, Spring Security, JSP and Hibernate. This is more advance project where user can login/register and perform CRUD tasks for his "posts". Project is deployed on Heroku platform.

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Still under construction but working.

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project name

Spring MVC, JSP and Hibernate technology.

Application is running with Spring MVC, Spring Security, JSP and Hibernate. For this project I used PostgreSQL database which is native for Heroku platform. In this project user can perform CRUD tasks. Project is deployed on Heroku platform.

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Still under construction but working.

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Work Experience

Developer Analyst Bisnode (2017 - now)


  • Maintaining effective communication with clients.
  • Creating documentation and product analysis.
  • Cooperation with a team of engineers.
  • Hacking on CD/CI pipelines
  • Support and maintenance of existing solutions.


  • Compliance project for northern customers with PEP/sanction lists analysis.
    Spring, REST API, Batch Jobs, Camel, Microservice architecture, Fuzzy matching.
  • Monitoring tool for internal services and their jobs/processes.
    Spring, Quartz scheduler, REST API, SDK/LIB development, Event driven programming, microservice architecture
  • Sms Common Component.
    Spring, DDD, TDD, Event driven architecture, REST API.
  • Open Policy Agent adoption.
    Implementing OPA for microservice usage to decouple application logic from admission control. Open source collaboration, library development, Build/Deploy pipeline improvements
  • Common File Archive
    Provide a common way for a company to archive legal files. Amazon S3, Spring, PostgreSQL, Admission Control with OPA Authorization/SQL query preparation
  • Internal Web Application for rewriting pdf scans into internal database.
    Spring, JSP, JS, SQLServer 2008, Bootstrap (Bash/Python)

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